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Ameye, M. (1972) Etude du Comité économique et social sur les problèmes concernant le rapprochement des législations relatives aux entraves techniques = Study of the Economic and Social Committee on the problems of harmonization of legislation on technical barriers. CES 469/72, 29 June 1972. [EU Other]

Armengaud, André. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur les possibilités qu'offrent les traités communautaires en matière de lutte contre la pollution du milieu et les modifications qu'il faut éventuellement proposer d'y apporter = Report drawn up by the Legal Affairs Committee on the possibilities offered by the Communities' Treaties regarding the fight against environmental pollution and eventual modifications. Session Documents 1972-1973, Document 15/72, 17 April 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]


Barre, Raymond. (1972) 1973 trade negotiations and monetary talks. Speech by Mr. Raymond Barre, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities, before the French Senate Finance Committee. Paris, 27 April 1972. Includes French text. [EU Speech]

Bolkow, L and Markmann, H and Clarke, R (1972) Aims and means of a European policy on technological development. Reports No. 8. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Barre, Raymond (1972) European monetary union assessed. Excerpts from remarks by Commission Vice President Raymond Barre at the European Parliament. Strasbourg, October 1972. European Community News No. 43, 11 October 1972. [EU Speech]

Barre, Raymond. (1972) Full text and summary of a statement by Mr. Raymond Barre, Vice-President of the European Commission, to the European Parliament on the economic situation of the Community at the beginning of 1972. Luxembourg, 18 January 1972. [EU Speech]

Breloh, P. and Mrohs, E. and Pook, W. and Zurek, E. and Vaylet, J.L. and Faucher, F. (1972) Le marché foncier et les baux ruraux. Effets des mesures de réforme des structures agricoles. II. R.F. d'Allemagne et France = The land market and rural leases. Effects of the measures of reform of agricultural structures. II. R.F. of Germany and France. Internal information on agriculture 82, January 1972. VI/527/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Barre, Raymond. (1972) Le role des bourses de valeurs dans le developpement de la Communaute. Expose de Monsieur Raymond Barre au Congres de la CISMEC. Milan, 14 mars 1972 = The role of stock exchanges in the development of the Community. Speech by Mr. Raymond Barre, Vice-President of the Commission, to the Congress of the CISMEC. Milan, 14 March 1972. [EU Speech]

Bevilacqua, Mme. and Libchaber, Mr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 14 - Republic of Zaire, December 1972. VIII/1324/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Bevilacqua, Mme. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 17 - Democratic Republic of Somalia, December 1972. VIII/1327/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Baptist, A.G. and Martens, L. (1972) Nouvelles formes de collaboration dans le domaine de la production agricole II. Benelux = New forms of collaboration in the field of agricultural production. II. Benelux. Internal information on agriculture 94, December 1972. VI/2514/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Barre, Raymond (1972) Statement by Vice-President Barre to the European Parliament on the present monetary situation. Strasbourg, 4 July 1972. [EU Speech]

Barre, Raymond. (1972) Statement by Vice-President [of the Commission] Barre to the European Parliament on the present monetary situation. Strasbourg, 4 July 1972. [EU Speech]


Cazamian, P. (1972) Design concept of a thermal power station: Ergonomic contribution (summary). Community Ergonomic Research Technical report No. 8. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Coppe, Albert. (1972) Fifth report on social policy trends in the Community. Summary of an address by Mr. Coppe, Member of the Commission. Luxembourg, 10 May 1972. [EU Speech]

Collida, Ada (1972) IX Analyse de certaines expériences d'aménagement et de gestion de "zones industrielles" dans les pays de la Communauté économique européenne (Belgique, France, république fédérale d'Allemagne, Italie, Pays-Bas). 1. La conversion industrielle en Europe. Collection d'économie et politique régionale = IX Analysis of some experiences of the planning and management of "industrial zones" in the countries of the European Economic Community (Belgium, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Netherlands). 1. Industrial conversion in Europe. Economic and Regional Policy Collection. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Coppe, Albert. (1972) Le cout social, le cout economique, Discourse prononce par Albert Coppe, Membre de la Commission des Communautes europeennes responsable pour les affaires sociales a l'occasion de la 57e Conference internationale du travail. Geneve, 22 juin 1972 = The social and economic costs. Speech by Albert Coppe, Member of the Commission responsible for social affairs, at the 57th International Labor Conference. Geneva, 22 June 1972. [EU Speech]

Couste, Pierre-Bernard. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des relations economiques exterieures sur les resultats de la Troisieme session de la CNUCED (Santiago du Chili, 13 avril - 21 mai 1972) = Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Economic Relations on the results of the third session of UNCTAD (Santiago, Chili, 13 April - 21 May 1972. Session Documents 1972-1973, Document 83/72, 3 July 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Couste, Pierre-Bernard. (1972) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Trade Relations on preparations for the Third Session of UNCTAD. Working Documents 1971-1972, Document 278/71, 13 March 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Coppe, Albert. (1972) Statement [on weights and dimensions of vehicles] by Mr. Coppe, Member of the Commission, following the meeting of the Council of Ministers of Transport. Brussels, 17-18 May 1972. [EU Speech]

Coppe, Albert. (1972) Summary of address by Mr. Coppe, Member of the Commission, on social developments in the Community in 1971. Strasbourg, 9 February 1972. [EU Speech]

Coppe, Albert. (1972) The employment situation - unemployment among young people - mass dismissals. Statement by Mr. Coppe, Member of the Commission, to the Council of the European Communities (Social matters). Luxembourg, 12 June 1972. [EU Speech]

Carpentier, Michael. (1972) A policy for the environment in Europe. Speech by Mr. Carpentier [Director-General] to the Conference on Industry and the Environment organized by International Business Communications Limited. London, 27-28 June 1972. [EU Speech]


Deniau, Jean-Francois. (1972) Allocution de M. Jean-Francois Deniau, membre de la Commission des Communautes europeennes lors de l'ouverture des negociations d'accession de l'Ile Maurice a la Convention de Yaounde. Bruxelles, 1 mars 1972 = Speech by Jean-Francois Deniau, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at the opening of negotiations with Mauritius to join the Yaounde Convention. Brussels, 1 March 1972. [EU Speech]

Deggeller, Lies (1972) De arbeidsomstandigheden en voorwaarden van vrouwen in loondienst in de zes lid-staten van de europese gemeenschap. Nederland = Working conditions women employed in the six member states of the European Community. Netherlands. V/169/73-N. [EU Commission - Working Document]

di Martino, V. (1972) Extrait de la declaration de Monsieur di Martino au nom de la Communaute economique europeenne. Santiago, 15 mai 1972 = Extracts of speech by Mr. di Martino in the name of the European Economic Community. Santiago, 15 May 1972. [EU Speech]

De Bandt, J (1972) L'industrialisation textile d'exportation des etats Africains et malgache associes. 1ere Partie - Les marchés potentiels pour des exportations textiles des EAMA = The industrial textile exports from Associated African States and Malagasy. Part 1-The potential market for the export of textiles from the AASM. VIII/210/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

De Bandt, J (1972) L'industrialisation textile d'exportation des etats Africains et malgache associes. IIere Partie - Les conditions de production of produits textiles dans les EAMA = The industrial textile exports from Associated African States and Malagasy. Part 2 - The conditions of production of textile products in the AASM. VIII/210/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1972) Le role de l'europe. Traduction de l'interview donnee par le Professeur Ralf Dahrendorf a Europaische Gemeinschaft. April 1972 = The role of Europe. Translation of an interview of Professor Ralf Dahrendorf [Member of the Commission] with European Community. April 1972. [EU Speech]

Deblon, M. and Rouchy, M. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes. Republique Unie du Cameroun = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 9 - Republic of Cameroon, December 1972. VIII/1319/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1972) M. Dahrendorf a prononce le discours inaugural a la foire internationale du lac de constance. Friedrichshafen, 5 mai 1972 = Speech by Mr. Dahrendorf [Member of the Commission] at the inauguration of the international fair at Lake Constance. Friedrichshafen, 5 May 1972. [EU Speech]

Dahrendorf, Ralf. (1972) Message de M. Dahrendorf, membre de la Commission des communautes europeennes, a la ceremonie commemorative du 25eme anniversaire de la Commission economique pour l'Europe. Geneve, 19 avril 1972 = Speech by Mr. Dahrendorf, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, at a ceremony commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Economic Commission for Europe. Geneva, 19 April 1972. [EU Speech]


Eschbach, H.L. (1972) Kalibrierung von Vakuummessgeräten. EUR 4797. = Calibration methods of vacuum technique. EUR 4797. [EU Other]

Ezra, D.J. and Dido, M. and Kienbaum, G. (1972) The conditions for an increase of the investments of Community enterprises in the less developed regions of the Community. Role of industry and the public authorities. Reports No. 4. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Fantoli, Allesandro and Battaglia Carosio, Gabriella (1972) Analyse des principaux aspects du processus de reconversion et des mesures de readaptation dans l'industrie charbonniere et l'industrie siderurgique italiennes (1952-1970) = Analysis of the principal aspects of the process of restructuring and readaptation measures in the Italian coal-mining and iron and steel industries (1952-1970). Papers on industrial restructuring No 21, June 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Federici, Nora and Bielli, Carla and Pinnelli, Antonella (1972) Le condizioni di lavoro delle donne salariate nei sei stati membri della Comunità Europea. Italia = The working conditions of women employed in the six member states of the European Communities. Italy. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Fels, G. and Schatz, K.-W. and Wolter, F. (1972) Le degre d'interdependance internationale des prix en France et en Italie = The degree of international interdependence affecting prices in France and in Italy. II/367/1/72-F, May 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Flesselles, Jacques and Carugno, Nicola and Tafuri, Francesco and von Bethmann, Max (1972) Méthodes pour la détermination du taux d'humidité du tabac = Methods for determining the moisture content of tobacco. Internal information on agriculture 91, October 1972. VI/31/73/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Friedrich, O.A. and Houthuys, J. and Fogarty, M.P. (1972) The function and position of individuals in the enterprise. Reports No. 3, Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Gojat, Georges (1972) The European Communities' budget. 419/XIX/72-E. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Gaudy, Paul (1972) Rapport du Commissaire aux comptes pour l'exercice 1971 = The Auditor's report for the financial year 1971. 30 June 1972. [EU Other]


Hoffmeyer, Martin (1972) Agriculture et politique agricole de quelques pays de l'Europe occidentale. IX. Finlande = Agriculture and agricultural policy of some countries of Western Europe. IX. Finland. Internal information on agriculture 86, Avril 1972. VI/611/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Heath, Edward (1972) Discours du Premier Ministre Britannique, le Rt. Hon. Edward Heath, a la seance inaugurale de la Conference europeenne au sommet, a Paris le 19 octobre 1972 - Speech by British Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Edward Heath, at the inaugural session of the European Summit Conference at Paris, 19 October 1972. [EU Speech]

Hoffmeyer, Martin and Schmidt, R. and Schüler, J. and Seifert, G. (1972) Landwirtschaft und Agrarpolitik in einigen westeuropäischen Ländern. X. Zusammenfassender Überblick = Agriculture and agricultural policy in some Western European countries. X. Summary perspective. Internal information on agriculture 89, September 1972. VI/3168/72-D. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Hage, K. and Hinderfeld, H. (1972) Nouvelles formes de collaboration dans le domaine de la production agricole. III. R.F. d'Allemagne = New forms of collaboration in the field of agricultural production. III. F.R. of Germany. Internal information on agriculture 95, December 1972. VI/2512/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Haegeman, J. and Van Onsem, J.G. (1972) Recherche sur les incidences du poids du tubercule sur la floraison du dahlia = Research on the impacts of tuber weight on the flowering of dahlia. Internal information on agriculture 87, May 1972. VI/950/71-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Huvelin, P. and Delacourt-Smith, C. and Ruffolo, G. (1972) Trends in collective and private requirements in European society and their implications for industry. Reports No. 5. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Indetzki, Hans-Dieter and Helliger, Heinz Gerhard (1972) Repercussions sur l'economie regionale des fermetures et reductions d'activite dans l'industrie charbonniere, et mesures prises en vue de la restructuration dans la circonscription d'Aix-la-Chapelle = The effects on the regional economy of closures and reduction of employment in the coal-mining industry and measures for restructuring in the district of Aix-la-Chapelle. Papers on industrial restructuring No 20, June 1072. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Jacob, Mr. and Vaurie, Melle. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 2 - Republic of Senegal, December 1972. VIII/1312/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Jacob, Mr. and Vaurie, Melle. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 7 - Republic of Togo, December 1972. VIII/1317/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Jacob, M. and Vaurie, M. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 8 - Republic of Dahomey, December 1972. VIII/1318/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Jahn, Hans Edgar (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires sociales et de la santé publique sur la Communication de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 26/72) sur un programme des Communautés européennes en matières d'environnement ansi que sur des projets de mesures dans le domaine de la protection de l'environnement = Report drawn up by the Committee on Social Affairs and Public Health on the communication from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council on a program of the European Communities on the environment as well as proposed measures for the protection of the environment. Session Documents 1972-1973, Document 74/72, 3 July 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Jahn, Hans Edgar (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires sociales et de la santé publique sur la première Communication de la Commission des Communautés européennes sur la politique de la Communauté en matière d'environnement = Report draw up by the Commission on Social Affairs and Public Health on the first communication from the Commission of the European Communities on the policy of the Community on the environment. Session Documents 1972-1973, Document 9/72, 14 April 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]


Kirkpatrick, John and Francois, H. and Gloden, J. (1972) Dispositions fiscales en matière de coopération et de fusion d'exploitations agricoles. I. Belgique, France, et G.D. de Luxembourg = Tax provisions concerning cooperation and merging of farms. I. Belgium, France, and G.D. of Luxembourg. Internal information on agriculture 83, February 1972. VI/894/71-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Koene, G.B.M.L. and Ruwette, L. (1972) Employment of ex-minters in loading fertilizer. Community Ergonomic Research Technical report No. 5. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Kraijenhoff, G and Simoncini, F and Duquesne de la Vinelle, L (1972) The development of multinational companies: its advantages and disadvantages; economic, social and political measures and adjustments called for. Reports No. 9. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Lombardi, R. and Ventejol, G. and Boissonnat, Jean (1972) Industrial development of the Community: problems and prospects. Reports No. 2, Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Lauffs, Hans-Winfried (1972) La reconversion des charbonnages dans les bassins allemands. Ruhr. = Restructuring of the German coal-mining areas. Ruhr. Papers on industrial restructuring No 19, June 1979. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Le Bihan, J. and Boutonnet, J.P. and Berchu, L. (1972) La spéculation ovine = Sheep farming. Internal information on agriculture 90, September 1972. VI/1896/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Le Gall, Mr. and Roider, Dr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 10 - Republic of Chad, December 1972. VIII/1320/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Libchaber, Mr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 15 - Republic of Rwanda, December 1972. VIII/1325/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Le Gall, Mr. and Roider, Dr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 3 - Republic of Mali, December 1972. VIII/1313/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Le Gall, M. and Roider, M. and Paquier, M. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 4 - Republic of Niger, December 1972. VIII/1314/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Le Gall, Mr. and Roider, Dr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 5 - Republic of Upper Volta, December 1972. VIII/1315/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Lulling, Astrid (1972) Les conditions de travail des femmes salariees dans les six etats membres de la Communauté Européenne. Grand-Duché de Luxembourg = Working conditions of women employed in the six member states of the European Communities. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. V/168/73-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Lautenschlager, Hans. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission juridique sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (COM (71) 812 final) concernant un règlement relatif a la création d'entreprises communes dans le champ d'application du Traité CEE = Report on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the proposition of the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (COM (71) 812 final) concerning a regulation creating joint undertakings under the EEC Treaty. Session Document 1972-1973, Document 7/72, 14 April 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Lang, E. and von Birgelen, G. (1972) Zur Messung der gespeicherten Energie und spezifischen Wärmen von Metallen und Legierungen mit einem differntial scanning Kalorimeter. EUR 4802. = On the measurement of stored energy and specific heat of metals and alloys using a differential scanning calorimeter. EUR 4802. [EU Other]


Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Address by Mr. Sicco L. Mansholt, President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. Stockholm, 8 June 1972. [EU Speech]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Conference de presse du President Mansholt commentant les resultats du sommet a Paris = Press conference of President Mansholt on the results of the Paris summit. 24 October 1972. [EU Speech]

Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Declaration by President Malfatti, President of the European Commission, on the signature of the Adhesion Treaties. Brussels, 21 January 1972. [EU Speech]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Declaration du president Sicco L. Mansholt. 3eme CNUED. Santiago, Chili, 19 mai 1972 = Speech by President [of Commission] Sicco L. Mansholt. 3rd UNCED [United National Conference on Environment and Development]. Santiago, Chili, 19 May 1972. [EU Speech]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Discours de M. Sicco Mansholt, President de la Commission des communautes europeennes, devant Conference europeenne des pouvoirs locaux. Strasbourg, 25-29 septembre 1972 = Speech by Mr. Sicco Mansholt, President of the Commission of the European Communities, before the European Conference of Local Authorities. Strasbourg, 25-29 September 1972. [EU Speech]

Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Extracts from a speech [on EC-Japan relations] by President Malfatti [of the Commission of the European Communities] before the Japan Press Club. Tokyo, 16 February 1972. [EU Speech]

Malve, Pierre. (1972) For the development of dynamic agricultural cooperation between the United States and Europe through negotiation of a new type of international commodity agreement. Address by Mr. Pierre Malve, Counselor for Economic and Trade Affairs, Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities, Washington DC, before the National Association of Wheat Growers. Denver, Colorado, 12 January 1972. [EU Speech]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Full text and summary of a statement [on international monetary system and development policy] of Mr. Sicco Mansholt, President of the Commission of the European Communities, in the plenary meeting of UNCTAD III. Santiago, 17 April 1972. [EU Speech]

Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Intervention du President Malfatti a la reunion de la Commission politique de la parliament europeenne. 27 janvier 1972. Statement [on issues for the upcoming Paris summit] by President Malfatti to the meeting of the Political Committee of the European Parliament. 27 January 1972. [EU Speech]

Malfatti, Franco. (1972) L'Europe remise en question? Conference du president Malfatti a l'Universite de Strasbourg. Strasbourg, 8 fevrier 1972 = Europe in question? Lecture by President [of Commission] Malfatti at the University of Strasbourg. Strasbourg, 8 February 1972. [EU Speech]

Monnet, Jean. (1972) L'Europe unie de l'utopie a la realite. Allocution prononcee par Jean Monnet au Congres international de la Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Lausanne, 1972 = United Europe: from utopia to reality. Speech by Jean Monnet to the International Congress of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Lausanne, 1972. [EU Speech]

Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Presentation of the General Report for 1971 and the Commission's programme for 1972. Address to the European Parliament by Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission of the European Communities. Strasbourg, 8 February 1972. [EU Speech]

Malfatti, Franco. (1972) President [of Commission] Malfatti's declaration on his decision to resign from the Commission and run for election in Italy. Brussels, 2 March 1972. [EU Speech]

Moussa, P. and Vetter, H.O. and Tinbergen, J. (1972) Promotion of industrialization in the developing countries: Implications for Community industry. Reports No. 10. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Malve, Pierre. (1972) Prospects for the United States of the enlargement of the Community in trade and economic relations. Declaration by Pierre Malve, Counselor for Economic and Trade Affairs at the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities in Washington, before the Management Purchasing Association of New York. New York, 18 April 1972. [EU Speech]

Maillet, Pierre (1972) Quinze ans de politique communautaire. Etude sur les effets de la politique de la Communauté sur les économies des pays membres et de la Communauté dans son ensemble, pendant la période 1958-19?2. Rapport detaille = Fifteen years of Community policy. Study on the effects of Community policy on the economies of the member countries and the Community overall during the period 1958-1972. Detailed report. XIX/302/1/72-F, 5 December 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Muller, Josef. (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la commission politique sur les resultats de la Conference au sommet des Chefs d'Etat ou de gouvernement des Etats membres de la Communaute elargie qui s'est tenue a Paris les 19 et 20 october 1971 = Report of the Political Committee on the results of the Summit Conference of the Heads of State or Government of the Member States of the enlarged Community held in Paris, 19-20 October 1972. Session Documents 1972-73, Document 194/72, 4 November 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Speech [on his resignation from the Commission and developments during his term] by Mr. Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 14 March 1972. [EU Speech]

Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Speech by Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the Commission of the European Communities, at the signing of the Acts of Accession. Brussels, 22 January 1972. [EU Speech]

Malfatti, Franco. (1972) Summary of President Malfatti's report [for 1971 and program for 1972] to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 8 February 1972. [EU Speech]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Summary of President [of the Commission] Mansholt's press conference on long run objectives to be pursued in international negotiations. New York, 16 November 1972. [EU Speech]

Mansholt, Sicco. (1972) Summary of address [on economic and monetary union, development policy and institutional affairs] by Mr. Sicco Mansholt, President of the Commission of the European Communities, to the European Parliament. Strasbourg, 19 April 1972. [EU Speech]

Maurer, Hermann and Gerhard, Will (1972) Technical control of air pollution in the iron and steel industry. Research progress report 30th June 1972. EUR 4921. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Malve, Pierre. (1972) The developments of economic and trade relations between the United States and an enlarging Community: call for new forms of cooperation. Declaration of Mr. Pierre Malve, Counselor for Economic and Trade Affairs at the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities in Washington, before the International Committee of the Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc. Santa Barbara, California, 15 March 1972. [EU Speech]


Nrandt, Willy (1972) Declaration du Chancelier de la Republique federale d'Allemagne, M. Willy Brandt, a la Conference des Chefs d'Etat ou de Gouvernment europeens a Paris, les 19 35 29 octobre 1972 = Statement by the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Willy Brandt, at the Conference of Heads of State or Government in Paris, 20-10 October 1072. [EU Speech]

Noel, Emile. (1972) How the European Community's institutions work. Community Topics 38, January 1972. [EU Commission - Brochure]

Nacamuli, Silvio and Pedrini, Elda and Cesarini, Giuliano (1972) Nouvelle formes de collaboration dans le domaine de la production agricole. I. Italie = New forms of collaboration in the field of agricultural production. I. Italy. Internal information on agriculture 93, November 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Neuman, H and Armato, B and Albert, M. (1972) The problem of financing the increasing costs of infrastructure and social investment without disrupting the harmonious development of the Community. Reports No. 7. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Ohlmer, E. and Russo, S. and Schwemmle, R. (1972) Untersuchung der hydrodynamischen Schwingungsanregung an einem einfachen Stabmodell unter Achsparalleler Wasserströmmung. EUR 4771. = Study of the excitation of hydrodynamic vibrations in a simple rod model in parallel water flow. EUR 4771. [EU Other]


Pross, Helge (1972) Die arbeitsbedingungen der erwerbstätigen frauen der sechs mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Gemeinschaft. Deutschland = The working conditions of women employed in the six member states of the European Community. Germany. V/164/73-D. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Petrilli, G. and Laot, J. and Jurgensen, H. (1972) Implications of environmental measures for industrial development and the siting of enterprises. Reports No. 6. Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Platzer, Fr. and Morano, N. and Prillevitz, F.C. (1972) Le marché foncier et les baux ruraux. Effets des mesures de réforme des structures agricoles. I. Italie et Pays-Bas = The land market and rural leases. Effects of the measures of reform of agricultural structures. I. Italy and the Netherlands. Internal information on agriculture 81, January 1972. VI/10832/70-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Passenier, J. and Ruiter, R. (1972) Organisation et planification de la recherche et du developpement aux Pays-Bas = Organization and planning of research and development of The Netherlands. EUR 4814 FR. Research and Development No. 2, July 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Pompidou, Georges (1972) Text de la declaration de Georges Pompidou, President de la Republique Francaise, a la seance d'ouverture de la Conference des Chefs d'Etat ou de Gouvernement des Etats Membres ou adherents des Communautes europeenees - Paris, 19 octobre 1972 = Text of the statement by Georges Pompidou, President of the French Republic, at the opening session of the Conference of Heads of Stats or Governments of the Member States and candidates. Paris, 19 October 1972. [EU Speech]


Ruault, J.P. (1972) L'information relative aux revenus et aux patrimoines dans les pays de la Communaute = Information on income and wealth in the countries of the Community. Studies: Social Policy Series 22, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Rouchy, M. and Deblon, Mr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 11 - Central African Republic, December 1972. VIII/1321/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Rouchy, Mr. and Deblon, Mr. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 12 - Republic of Gabon, December 1972. VIII/1322/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Rouchy, M. and Deblon, M. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes. Volume 13 - Republique du Congo, decembre 1972 = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 13 - Republic of Congo, December 1972. VIII/1323/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Ruwette, L. and Koene, J.A. (1972) Lightening of tasks of auxiliary haulage underground (Emma/Hendrik DSM mine). Community Ergonomic Research Technical report No. 9. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Ronnecke, Hartmut (1972) Possibilites de stockage du petrole brut sur le territoire de la CEE. Rapport d'experts = Possibilities of stocking crude oil on the territory of the EEC. Experts report. XVII/375/71-F, September 1974. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Ruwette, L. and Koene, J.A. (1972) Underground work in difficult climatic conditions (Emma/Hendrik mine). Community Ergonomic Research Technical report No. 6. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Scarascia Mugnozza, Carlo. (1972) 20eme anniversaire de la CECA. Discours de M. Carlo Scarascia-Mugnozza, Vice-President de la Commission des Communautes europeennes. Luxembourg, 19 septembre 1972 = 20th anniversary of the ECSC. Speech by Mr. Carlo Scarascia-Mugnozza, Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities. Luxembourg, 19 September 1972. [EU Speech]

Stabenow, Wolfgang. (1972) Evolution of transport policy in the European Community. Report by Dr. Wolfgang Stabenow [Commission official] to the Conference on Canadian National Transportation Policy. Toronto, 23-25 May 1972. [EU Speech]

Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Industry and society in the European Community. Full text and summary of an introductory speech by Mr. A. Spinelli, Member of the Commission of the European Communities, with particular responsibility for Industrial, Technological and Scientific Affairs. Venice, 20 April 1972. [EU Speech]

Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Intervention de M. Spinelli a la conference ministerielle sur l'environnement. Bonn, 30-31 octobre 1972 = Speech by Mr. Spinelli [Member of the Commission] at a ministerial conference on the environment. Bonn, 30-31 October 1972. [EU Speech]

Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Intervention de M. Spinelli, membre de la Commission, a la Table Ronde "l'Europe vers le Sommet". Rome, 3 mars 1972 = Speech [on weaknesses of the Community] by Altiero Spinelli, Member of the Commission, to the Round Table "Europe towards the summit". Rome, 3 March 1972. [EU Speech]

Spinelli, Altiero (1972) Introductory speech by A. Spinelli, member of the Commission of the European Communities, to the Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Speech]

Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) La coordination des projets de developpement des reseaux de telecommunications dans la Communaute. Declaration de M. Spinelli, Membre de la Commission, devant le Parlement europeen. Luxembourg, 9 mai 1972 = The coordination of projects on telecommunications networks in the Community. Speech by Mr. Spinelli, Member of the Commission, before the European Parliament. Luxembourg, 9 May 1972. [EU Speech]

Scarascia Mugnozza, Carlo. (1972) La recherche agronomique. Declaration de M. Carlo Scarascia Mugnozza, Vice-President de la Commission au conseil de ministres de l'agriculture. Bruxelles, 30 mai 1972 = Agronomic research. Speech by Mr. Carlo Scarascia Mugnozza, Vice-President of the Commission, to the Council of Ministers of Agriculture. Brussels, 30 May 1972. [EU Speech]

Seyler, Albert (1972) La reconversion des charbonnages dans les bassins de la république fédérale d'Allemagne. Sarre = Restructuring of the coal-mining areas of the Federal Republic of Germany. Saar. Papers on industrial restructuring No 23, June 1979. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Sullerot, Evelyne (1972) Les conditions de travail des femmes salariees dans les six etats membres de la Communauté Européenne. France = Working conditions of women employed in the six member states of the European Communities. France. V/166/73-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Seefeld, Horst (1972) Rapport fait au nom de la Commission des relations avec les pays africains et malgache sur la proposition de la Commission des Communautés européennes au Conseil (doc. 43/72) sur l'Accord d'association portant acession de l'Ile Maurice à la Convention d'association entre la C.E.E. et les Etats africains et malgache associés à cette Communauté = Report on behalf of the Committee on Relations with African countries and Madagascar on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council (Doc. 43/72) on the Association Agreement concerning acession of Mauritius to the Convention Association between the EEC and the African and Malagasy States associated with the Community. [EU European Parliament Document]

Schlieder, Willy. (1972) Recent antitrust developments in the European Economic Community. Speech by Dr. Willy Schlieder, Director General for Competition, to the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. New York, April 1972. [EU Speech]

Schuijt, Wilhelmus. (1972) Remarks [on EC-US relations] by Wilhelmus Schuijt, leader of a delegation of visiting members of the European Parliament at a plenary meeting with members of the United States Congress. Washington DC, 31 May 1972. [EU Speech]

Schuijt, Willem J. (1972) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on External Trade Relations on parliamentary relations between the European Community and the United States of America. Working Documents 1972-1973, Document 82/72, 1 July 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Schlieder, Willy. (1972) Restrictive trade practices and Common Market law. Text of a statement by Dr. Willy Schlieder, Director-General for Competition, Commission of the European Economic Communities. London, 14 April 1972. [EU Speech]

Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Statement to the European Parliament by Mr. Spinelli, Member of the European Commission, on the problem of coordination of the computer market. Luxembourg, 18 January 1972. [EU Speech]

Stuhler, Elmar (1972) Steuervorschriften für die überbetriebliche Zusammenarbeit oder Fusion landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe. II. BR Deutschland = Tax provisions concerning cooperation and merging of farms. II. FR Germany. Internal information on agriculture 84, February 1972. VI/4053/71-D. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Synthese de l'intervention de M. Spinelli au Congres sur la Cooperation scientifique et technologique en Europe. Milan, 24-25 novembre 1972 = Summary of speech by Mr. Spinelli [Member of the Commission] at a conference on scientific and technological cooperation in Europe. Milan, 24-25 November 1972. [EU Speech]

Spinelli, Altiero. (1972) Voix, independance et personnalite de l'Europe. Rapport de M. Altiero Spinelli au les problemes que posent a la Communaute son elargissement et son approfondissement. Paris, 7-8 juillet 1972 = Voice, independence and the personality of Europe. Report of Mr. Altiero Spinelli, Member of the Comission, on the problems posed by the widening and deepening of the Community. Paris, 7-8 July 1972. [EU Speech]


Toulemon, Robert. (1972) Commentaires de M. Robert Toulemon sur les activities de la Direction generale des affaires industrielles, technologiques and scientifiques = Remarks by Mr. Robert Toulemon on the activities of the Directorate-General for Industrial, Technology and Scientific Affairs. Information Memo P-39/72, July 1972. [EU Commission - Press Notice]

Toulemon, Robert (1972) Stage reached in work on industrial policy in the Community. Report No. 1, Conference "Industry and society in the European Community," Venice 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Thorn, Gaston. (1972) Summary of the statement made by the President in office of the Council, Mr. Gaston Thorn, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, at the 3rd meeting of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Santiago, Chile, 14 April 1972. [EU Speech]


Vanhaeverbeke, Guy. (1972) Economic and trade relations between the United States and the enlarging European Community. Outline of an address by Guy Vanhaeverbeke, Deputy Director of the European Community Information Service in Washington DC, to the Missouri Bar Association. Jefferson City, MO, 21 April 1972. [EU Speech]

Van Der Laan, J. (1972) Job stress in billet grinding. Community Ergonomic Research Technical report No. 7. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Vaurie, Melle. and Jacob, M. and Paquier, M. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 1 - Islamic Republic of Mauritania, December 1972. VIII/1311/172-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Vaurie, M. and Jacob, M. and Paquier, Mr. (1972) Les conditions d'installation d'entreprises industrielles dans les Etats africains et malgache associes = Conditions for the setting up of industrial undertakings in the Associated African States and Malagasy. Volume 6 - Republic of the Ivory Coast, December 1972. VIII/1316/72-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Vogel-Polsky, Eliane (1972) Les conditions de travail des femmes salariees dans les six etats membres de la Communauté Européenne. Belgique = Working conditions of women employed in the six member states of the European Communities. Belgium. V/165/73-F. [EU Commission - Working Document]

Vredeling, Henk. (1972) Report drawn up on behalf of the Committee on Development and Cooperation on the memorandum of the Commission of the European Communities on a Community development cooperation policy. Working Documents 1972-1973, Document 63/72, 26 July 1972. [EU European Parliament Document]

Vedel, Geprges. (1972) Report of the working party examining the problem of the enlargement of the powers of the European Parliament. Report Vedel. Bulletin of the European Communities, Supplement 4/72. [EU Commission - Working Document]

von , Gellhorn and Masyn, M. and Bonnet, M. and Sneevliet, M. (1972) The effects of the reduction of manpower in the mining industry on mining social security systems and pension systems in particular. Studies: Social Policy Series 23, 1972. [EU Commission - Working Document]


Westerterp, Mr. (1972) Expose du President en exercice du Conseil des Communautes europeennes, M. Westerterp Secretaire d'etat aux Affaires etrangeres du Royaume des pays-bas au sujet "des Accords negocies entre la Communautes et les pays membres et associe de l'A.E.L.E. non candidats a l'adhesion". Luxembourg, 20 septembre 1972 = Speech by President-in-Office of the Council of the European Communities, Mr. Westerterp, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands, on the subject of "negotiations between the Communities and the non-candidate member countries of the European Free Trade Association." Luxembourg, 20 September 1972. [EU Speech]

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